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Data Visualisation using Power BI

Data Exploration in SQL

Dataset source:

Software Used:

Microsoft Power BI

Unicorn companies are those with an evaluation of over $1 Billion dollars.

This dataset includes just over 1,000 records and contains details on the Company's Current Valuation, Total Funding, Country of Origin, Industry, Investors, and the years they were founded and became unicorns.

Color-wise, I stuck to the default blue colour because it looks good and clean.

I knew I wanted to focus mainly on Valuation and Funding for the visualisation. I also decided to add visuals that provided quick insight into the locations of companies and the years companies became unicorns.

These visualizations helped gather some insights into the current landscape of unicorn companies.

  • Most companies are located in the United States.

  • Fintech Industry received the highest funding, i.e. $108bn.

  • 520 companies joined the Unicorn list in 2021, the year seeing the most additions yet.

  • Lastly, Otto Back Healthcare took 98 years to become a Unicorn.

This embed item is Power BI Online dashboard file.

Click here to download the .pbix file.


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