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Hiring Process Analytics

Project Description:

Hiring process is the fundamental and the most important function of a company. Here, the MNCs get to know about the major underlying trends in the hiring process. Trends such as the number of rejections, number of interviews, types of jobs, vacancies etc. are important for a company to analyse before hiring freshers or any other individual. Thus, making an opportunity for a Data Analyst job here too!

I am working for an MNC such as Google as a lead Data Analyst and the company has provided me with the data records of their previous hirings and has asked me to answer certain questions making sense of that data.

  1. Hiring: Process of intaking people into an organization for different kinds of positions. How many males and females are Hired?

  2. Average Salary: Adding all the salaries for a select group of employees and then dividing the sum by the number of employees in the group. What is the average salary offered in this company?

  3. Class Intervals: The class interval is the difference between the upper-class limit and the lower-class limit. Draw the class intervals for salary in the company.

  4. Charts and Plots: Draw Pie Chart/Bar Graph (or any other graph) to show the proportion of people working in different departments.

  5. Charts: Use different charts and graphs to perform the task representing the data. Represent different post tiers using chart/graph?


All the questions are clearly explained and can be solved using Microsoft Excel only.

Steps for EDA:

  1. Understanding data columns and data

  2. Checking for missing data

  3. Clubbing columns with multiple categories

  4. Checking for outliers

  5. Removing outliers

  6. Drawing Data Summary

Tech-Stack Used:

Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019)



All the questions asked can be answered through Excel. I used various operators and functions to get the solutions

1. Hiring Intake- Male/Female

2. Average Salary:

3. Class Intervals for Salary:

4. No. of Employees in various departments:

5. No. of Employees in various position tiers:


  • Males are 54.57% out of all the employees and 39.51% are Females

  • General Management Department has the highest average salary of 60810.20 and Marketing- the lowest, i.e. 47843.40

  • Most of the employees lie in the salary class interval of 40,001-50,000

  • Operations Department has the most employees, i.e. 1843 and Human Resources the lowest, i.e. 70

  • Most of the employees lie in the post tier of 'c9'


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